About Us





Ownership Structure

Shareholders' Names Shareholding Ratios(%) Note
iCure BNP 55.2 Capital, Technology
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology 14.4 Technology
Korea Science & Technology Holdings 6.9 Special zone investment institution
SYP Accelerator 4.1 Planning / BM construction
Pathfinder Startup Investment Partnership 6.4 Equity investment
SEMA Public Technology Commercialization Investment Partnership 4.3 Equity investment
IBKC-Harang New Technology Investment Partnership 4.3 Equity investment
Korea Investment Bio-Global Fund 4.3 Equity investment
VCT Private Investment Partnership No.1 0.2 Equity investment
Total 100

Board of Directors

  • oneCureGEN President Youngkwon Choi

  • oneCureGEN President Kwanyeong Chang

  • oneCureGEN CFO Youngseok Lee

  • Auditor Seongwook Min